Abortion Pills Option
What is the abortion pill?
Abortion pills are a type of medication for abortion. Medical abortion is an effective option for many women because it is a more natural way of terminating (the abortion happens like a period). Medication abortion involves taking a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol, which can be taken at home or in a clinic. Contact Dr Eve on +27731761148 today for your consultation.
How do abortion pills work?
Abortion pills are made up of two medications. The first medication stops the growth of the pregnancy. The second medication causes contractions that empty your uterus.
How effective are abortion pills?
Abortion pills are more than 95% effective and easy to use. The success rate depends on how far along you are in your pregnancy, as well as other factors including:
- Your weight
- Whether you have had a previous abortion or not
- How many pills you take
When can I take abortion pills?
When can I take abortion pills?
- When sure you want to end your pregnancy.
- You want to avoid a surgical abortion.
- Want a safe and effective way to end an unwanted pregnancy.
- Would like to keep your abortion private.
What to expect when taking the abortion pill?
Bleeding and mild cramping is the most common side effects of abortion pills. The bleeding will continue for around 3-10 days after taking the pill. Cramping is mild during this period but can be relieved with pain medication.
A few women may have slight vaginal bleeding which lasts for up to 2 weeks after taking the medicines. If you have heavy bleeding or severe cramps that last more than 2 weeks, please contact us.
Tips for women having a medical abortion.
A medical abortion with the abortion pill is the safest and most effective method of terminating an early pregnancy. There are some precautions you need to take while using this method:
- Do not take medicine if you are unsure of your pregnancy or if you want to continue with it.
- Be transparent with how far pregnant you are.
- Stay away from alcohol, drugs and tobacco products while undergoing this medical procedure as they may interfere with the efficiency of the medication.