September 9, 2024

Surgical abortion is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy.

Surgical abortion is a safe and effective way to end an early pregnancy. It’s a common procedure, with a success rate of more than 95%.

Surgical abortion usually happens in two simple steps:

A doctor or nurse uses suction to empty your uterus. As this happens, you’ll feel or hear cramping or suction sounds. Most women report feeling pressure rather than pain. This part takes 3-5 minutes.

The doctor or nurse will then examine the contents of your uterus using forceps and ultrasound to make sure all the tissue has been removed. If not, they may need to repeat the first step before finishing the procedure.

The whole thing can take up to 30 minutes total, but you should allow for extra time in case there are complications that require additional monitoring and care after the procedure is complete.

You can also expect some bleeding afterwards (similar to heavy menstrual bleeding), which may last up to 2 weeks, along with some cramping and possibly nausea or vomiting from any anaesthesia you had during the procedure.

Surgical abortion in Johannesburg

You will get medicine to make you more comfortable during the procedure.

During the procedure itself, you will be awake. You may feel pressure or cramping, but the doctor may give you medicine to make you more comfortable. The procedure itself takes about 10 minutes.

You can expect to be at the clinic for about 3 hours on the day of your procedure.

You can expect to be at the clinic for about three hours on the day of your surgical procedure. The timing will depend on your procedure and the abortion clinic, but you may be able to have a surgical abortion on the same day as your first appointment.

have a nursing assessment and an ultrasound, if needed. After that, you’ll meet

with a counsellor who will make sure you understand everything about your options and get answers to any questions you may have. Lastly, there’s a brief wait before the doctor comes in to perform your procedure.

After your abortion, you might experience some bleeding and abdominal cramping for up to 2 weeks.

You may experience some bleeding and cramping for up to 2 weeks after your abortion. The bleeding will be heavier than a regular period and could last for days or weeks but will eventually lighten up or stop. You may still see blood clots pass when the bleeding slows down. This is normal, but if the blood clots are bigger than the size of a lemon, call your clinic right away. Cramping is common after an abortion, especially with surgical abortions. You can take over-the-counter pain medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen to ease any discomfort. If you’re in severe pain or if you have heavy bleeding that soaks through more than 2 maxi pads per hour for more than 2 hours, call your doctor right away.

Most people can go back to work or school 1-2 days after having an abortion.

Most people can go back to work or school 1-2 days after having an abortion. You might be advised to take it easy for a few days afterwards and not do any heavy lifting, exercise, or sexual activity. You’ll have bleeding that could be light or heavy, like a period, for up to 2 weeks. The amount of bleeding varies from woman to woman. Your doctor will let you know what to expect about your bleeding. For more information regarding surgical abortion, please feel free to contact Dr Eve Abortion Clinic at +27731761148.

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