September 9, 2024
Birth control

Your normal fertility returns almost immediately after an abortion. If you want to delay or avoid another pregnancy you should use birth control.

Can I get contraceptives from my abortion provider?

When you have an abortion, a doctor or nurse should be able to give you information and advice about birth control methods and usually provide your chosen method.

If they can’t give you the method you want, they can tell you where to go get it. They may also offer a different method to use for the moment, so that you’re still protected from pregnancy.

How soon can I have sex again after an abortion?

  • You can have sex as soon as you and your partner are ready.
  • You might have some bleeding and discomfort after your abortion and might prefer to wait until it stops.

How long will the bleeding last?

  • Some women bleed for long periods of time and some don’t have much bleeding at all.
  • Bleeding might be spotting or heavy.
  • Menstruation after medical abortion (using pills) can last several weeks.
  • Bleeding for surgical abortion can last about 2 weeks.

When will my period start again?

  • Your period usually returns 4-6 weeks after abortion.
  • You can get pregnant before your periods return because ovulation (releasing an egg) happens about 2 weeks before you get your period.

Which birth control method will be suitable for me?

This depends on what you and your partner prefer, your medical history and whether you had any complications during your pregnancy.

When should I start birth control after an abortion?

You can start any method of birth control immediately and be protected from pregnancy straight away. If you choose hormonal contraception and you start this more than 5 days after your abortion, you’ll need to use another method of contraception, such as condoms, or avoid sex for :

  • 2 days after starting the progesterone-only pill.
  • 7 days after starting the contraceptive implant, injection, patch, or vaginal ring.

Which methods of contraception are most effective?

Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC) are most effective. You don’t need to remember to take or use them.

  • Contraceptive implant – lasts up to 3 years. Can be taken out earlier.
  • IUD- lasts up to 5-10 years depending on the type. Can be taken out earlier.
  • Contraceptive injection – lasts up to 8-12 weeks

Other methods rely on you remembering to take or use them. They’re all effective birth control methods if used according to instructions.

Can I use emergency contraception after abortion?

If you have sex without contraception or think your method might might have failed, you should use emergency contraception if you don’t want to get pregnant. You can use the emergency contraception from 5 days after an abortion.


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